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EB 80 proportional pressure regulator

The EB 80 solenoid valve system expands with the introduction of the new proportional pressure regulator integrated into the island.

The new component maintains all the modularity and flexibility that characterize EB80 and can therefore be easily inserted or moved inside the island; dimensionally it occupies the space of a 4-position base and is designed so that, inside an island, you can insert up to 16 elements of this type.

From a functional point of view, the new component is offered in two versions: a version, called for "local" regulation, which controls the pressure level at the outlet placed on the base of the element and a version for "series" regulation of all the elements composing the EB80 island placed on the right of the component.

The first version is useful when you want a precise pressure regulation, taken at a single outlet and usually used for a single element or for a branch of the system; this also allows to get a good regulated air flow.
The second version is instead used when you want to regulate the pressure of all the valves inside the island, from a certain point onwards.

From the control point of view, both versions can be inserted both in serial islands and in multi-pole islands.
The versions for serial islands are controlled through the island end plate itself, while the versions for multi-pole islands are equipped with their own M12 connector for electrical communication.

The serial versions are designed for the main field buses, that are:

  • Profinet IO
  • Profibus DP
  • IO-Link 32 IN +32 OUT
  • IO -Link 64 OUT
  • CANopen
  • EtherNet/IP

As the other Metal Work electronic regulators, also the new born is available in the version with display and manual control keypad or in the version for remote control (without display).

The layout of the controls and the user interface follows the logic of the other elements belonging to the EB80 family, namely: the display, the item code and the identification symbol are visible from above (upper area in relation to the bases); on the back of the bases, on the side opposite the pneumatic outlet, you find the logic diagram of the air passage inside the base printed; at last, always on the rear side, when the M12 connector is present, its pinout diagram is also shown.

Also the new electronic regulator, like the rest of the island, has an IP65 degree of protection as standard: in order to obtain this feature without losing precision, each regulator is equipped with an internal overpressure compensation system able to maintain the declared protection.



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