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Metal Work

50 anni, 1967 - 2017 Elite logo Logo Fondazione Bonatti

Metal Work Green Philosophy


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 
Margaret Mead

Metal Work has always paid attention to sustainability and to the reduction of environmental impact. For this reason in our offices and factories we have adopted changes in favour of eco-sustainability. Small gestures that can make the difference.


Charging station for electric cars

Three charging columns for electric cars have been installed in our plants in Concesio: a further step towards a clean energy world.

August 2020


Geothermal System

In the headquarters of via Borsellino in Concesio a geothermal system is active, which allows the heating and cooling of the plant using clean and renewable energy.

February 2020


Shower Water Heating

The water in the showers of our locker rooms is heated through the cooling process of our air compressors. We thus reduce energy consumption, improving our overall energy balance.

February 2020


Photovoltaic Panels

The photovoltaic systems of our plants have produced 5,653,267.7 KWh of clean energy since April 2011.

February 2020



Our USB flash drives are strictly made of metal, to reduce the production of plastic.

February 2020


"Green" Coffee

All of our coffees and hot drinks are consumed in paper cups and mixed with wooden scoops, to further reduce the use of disposable plastic.

November 2019


Trees for the Future

During the I Worldwide Metal Work Meeting we have planted 100 trees embracing the Forest Garden Program of the Trees for the Future association.

October 2019

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Water dispenser

All employees can make free use of the water supplied by our dispensers, to reduce the use of disposable plastic bottles.

July 2019


Recycled Paper

We use recycled paper in all its forms: from print to hand towels.

May 2019


Environmental Management - ISO 14001

In 2000 we decided to obtain the certification of the Environmental Management System in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14001, which sets out the requirements needed to provide evidence of our commitment to the environmental issues.


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