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Round cylinder SHORT RNDC Series

The Custom product family expands with the introduction of Round cylinders SHORT RNDC Series.

They are available in diameters ø32, ø40, ø50 and ø63, with anodized aluminum heads and liner.

They differ from the standard range for some characterizing aspects:

  • dimensional interchangeability with Festo Series DSNU cylinders, while maintaining Metal Work technical choices, such as the use of the steel rod guide bushing with bronze and PTFE insert or the thick chrome plating of the rods (both those in C45 and those in stainless steel)
  • particular compactness of the axial dimension
  • presence of steel guide bushing with bronze and PTFE insert in the rear head
  • extension up to diameter 63
  • piston exclusively in aluminium

For further details on the range and the related technical documentation, please refer to our Custom Products section. 

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